Saturday, April 7, 2007

Flag Presentation in 1861

The Ashely Volunteers became part of the glorious 3rd ARK and VanManning their leader!

 "Captain Manning, in behalf of the ladies of Hamburg, I present to you and your gallant company, this silken flag. 'Tis a token of the confidence with which we contemplate your energy and lofty patriotism. Long may it wave.' Shield it from the accursed hand of tyranny, until the ruthless weapon of the enemy shall sever the arm which bears it, from the body! Though some may fall in the contest, the South must finally conquer; for right and justice will prevail. Remember that your liberty, your prosperity, your social relations, your future glory,' and even your existence as a free and independent race are endangered!"

"God and our rights, it was their cry.

When your fathers of old went forth to die;

They conquered in death, and so shall we,

Men of the South, ne'er bend the kneel"

"Stand by that flag, 'tis the flag of the Confederate States of America: May it bear the glad tidings of triumph and liberty, when it floats o'er the nation in warl Then, when peace again sheds o'er our country her genial dews -- when you shall have returned as conquerors -- the friends whom you now leave in sadness will greet you with tears of delight; your State will encircle you with here [sic) praise -- her sons will bring their tribute of honor -- her daughters will meet you with smiles of approval -- and you will be hailed as energetic and patriotic men! Your deeds will remain as bright as 'the stars vaulted heavens at night,' and when the dust falls upon your shrouds, you will have living monuments in grateful hearts that will not crumble to decay."

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